The Case for Basic Strength Training

The gym, more specifically the ‘free weight’ portion of the gym, is a place that can be very intimidating for a lot of people. Not knowing what exercises to do, feeling out of place, or not knowing how to do an exercise properly are all reasons many people would avoid this portion of the gym. Most of the crowd, especially this time of year, finds it easier to just hop on a treadmill or elliptical machine, work up a lather and call it a day. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with doing that, but my hope, is that by the end of this blog, each reader will find a nugget of motivation to try something new. 

For the sake of simplicity, my approach will be broken down into three distinct and easy to understand points. 

1. Strength training builds muscle. Muscle builds health & longevity

Strength training, also called resistance training, is defined as a form of exercise that involves working against resistance to improve muscle strength, size, and endurance. That resistance can look like a lot of different things - weights, bands, sleds and so on. Resistance training is the primary form of exercise that we can use to add lean muscle mass to our body. No matter where you’re starting from, by following some pretty basic principles, you have the ability to add lean muscle mass. Why is this important?

Time and time again, studies have shown a strong positive correlation between lean muscle mass and longevity. Without getting too deep into the science of it all, benefits include: reduced risk of all-cause mortality (heart attack, diabetes, stroke etc.), increased cardiovascular function, increased independent functionality as we age, increased balance, more efficient cellular functions, better cognitive health, mental health benefits, and so much more. Simply put, if doctors could get all the long-term health benefits of resistance training bottled up into a pill, it would be the most widely prescribed pill on the planet. 

2. It’s not just about looking good - it’s about feeling good

At this point of the blog you may be thinking that all of the benefits listed above are all good and well, but you don’t notice those things in your daily life, so you don’t care. 

Well, the good news is there are tons of benefits that you will begin to notice in your every day life as well. You know what would help that constantly nagging low back pain you have? What about the fact you wake up so groggy that you find it hard to get out of bed? Your bad posture caused by your uncomfortable chair and the fact that you spend 8 hours typing on your computer at work? That’s right - strength training can help to reverse all these aches and pains! Using different exercises, we can increase our strength & mobility, decrease feelings of tightness, and overtime start to fix our poor posture that our daily lives drive us into. Additionally, when our muscles, cells and nervous system all start to function more efficiently, we can go through our daily lives with more energy and less feelings of grogginess. 

3. The ability to live as a more confident version of yourself

I could go on and on about different scientific health benefits that derive from basic strength training, but I believe the most intriguing benefit is the self-confidence one can gain by engaging in and progressing through a strength training program.  

The sense of achievement, the ability to make progress, and the feeling of pride you get after each and every workout all help to inspire confidence in one’s self. The idea of being ‘the best version of myself’ is a popular one nowadays. In just my two years of experience in the field, I’ve seen countless examples of individuals, no matter where he/she is starting from become better, more confident versions of themselves in the weight room. 

Additionally, the ability to create discipline in the weight room has a massive potential to carry over into our real lives. Not only are we making our bodies stronger and healthier, but we’re exercising our mental strength and discipline to do something that’s not easy. It’s easier to hit snooze and stay in bed. It’s easier to get off work, grab some fast food on the way home and slump on the couch all night. Discipline is hard, and strength training is hard - which is why I urge you to give it a try. 


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