30 Grams of Protein at Breakfast - Why? and How?
The morning time before work or school is often times a quick rush out the door for many people. While some enjoy the mornings, many hit snooze and doze away until the last possible minute before they wake up in an adrenaline-filled rush to take a shower, throw on some clothes and take off for the day. Because of this, lots of people neglect breakfast, which is a missed opportunity to start their day off in a healthy way.
So why should I eat 30 grams of protein at breakfast? Well, if you didn’t already read my piece on the importance of protein, you can do so here: https://sft-training.com/blog/protein-why-does-it-matter
But why breakfast? Is 30 grams a special number? Is that the magic potion I’m missing to accomplish all my goals immediately? Well, no, unfortunately I can’t promise you that - but I’ll lay out three reasons why it will be beneficial for you:
As we already established in the blog linked above, setting and hitting a protein goal is one of the most beneficial things we can do for our health for a myriad of reasons. Many people think that if they drink a protein shake after a workout, they’re covering their bases. Studies have shown, however, that total daily protein intake is far more important than the timing of protein intake. To put it more simply, an individual who eats 150 grams of protein throughout the day is much better off that someone who only gets 30 grams of protein right after working out. Not many people miss lunch or dinner, but by skipping breakfast or eating unhealthy foods to start the day, we’re missing a prime opportunity to help reach our protein goal. By hitting 30 grams before we even leave for work/school, we’ve got a head start.
Protein has a high ’satiating effect.’ In layman’s terms, protein makes us feel ‘full’ as compared to the other two macronutrients (carbs & fats). To keep it simple, let’s continue with the example above. 2 donuts contains approximately 400-500 calories, comprised almost entirely of carbs & fats. 2 eggs and a small greek yogurt contains approximately 300-400 calories - comprised of (healthy) carbs & fats, but primarily, protein. Despite the second example having fewer calories, it has a higher satiating effect, meaning it will make us feel fuller for longer. As a result, we’re less inclined to grab a scone from the break room or stop at McDonald’s during our lunch break. If weight loss is a goal for you, having a small, protein-rich breakfast may actually be beneficial.
Mindset. When we start our day with a focus on health, we’re much more likely to go throughout the rest of our day with a focus on health. If I start my day with 2 donuts, I’m setting the tone for the rest of the day - it’s okay to eat poorly. At the same time, if I start my day with 2 eggs and a greek yogurt, I’m setting the tone for the rest of the day - I’m focused on my health. Never doubt the psychological effect a healthy start to the day can have.
Now that we’ve established why it’s important and beneficial, let’s take a look at how to accomplish this. Here’s 10 ideas for you:
Eggs - simple, fast, cheap - and for an extra boost of protein, mix in some liquid egg whites - they’re a cheat code.
Greek yogurt - either the individual cups, or by the tub. Not only is it high in protein, but it’s extremely beneficial for gut health as well. Throw some granola & fruit in there and call it a parfait.
Overnight oats - great for on-the-go. Make them the night before, eat them while you do your morning reading. You’ll get a million hits with the Google Search ‘overnight oats recipes.’
Any type of fruit & peanut butter - be careful with peanut butter if your main goal is weight loss. There’s a pretty high fat content, so this one is more for young athletes trying to put on muscle. A good alternative is PB2, which you can find at most grocery stores.
Egg cups - a way to meal prep eggs if you can’t wake up 10 minutes earlier. Again, you’ll get a million hits with the Google Search ‘egg cup recipes.’
Cottage cheese - old school, I know. Another great high protein, low-fat option.
Kodiak cakes - no, you don’t have to skip out of your family’s Saturday morning tradition. This is high protein pancake mix found at any grocery store.
Protein smoothie - another great on-the-go option. Make it the night before with your favorite fruits/spinach/yogurt and a scoop of protein powder.
Ezekiel bread - or whatever high protein bread you’re able to find. Put a little bit of your favorite spread on there and take it with you on your commute.
Magic Spoon cereal - can’t get past your love for cereal? Does everything above sound appalling to you? Look up Magic Spoon cereal, thank me later.
Is 30 grams a magic number? Is that a requirement for me to reach my goals, and if I only get 25 grams that means I’m going to fail? No, absolutely not - that’s simply a number that, in my eyes and the eyes of many other health professionals, is a good goal to set. If you don’t already eat breakfast, or your normal breakfast is a bowl of Cap’n Crunch, start small. Try to get 10 grams of protein and go from there. Continue to adapt, find what’s right for you and stick to it.